I keep asking myself if it will ever be  easier for me to except what stage four cancer can and does do to a body…a young and otherwise healthy body.

I think at some point through this “journey” I have felt more powerful then the cancer and then the next day I feel like an ant about to be squashed to death by an unknowing foot.

I feel like living with Stage 4 cancer is like playing frogger on a daily basis…will something unseen hurt me today?

While I have the days, I make to-do lists so don’t get too caught up in the game I play in my head.

My daily to-do list: believe my prayers,make my thinking hopeful, do my cancer blasting meditations, and much more. But the thing is, I know others do this too….and they are no longer here with us on earth.

So then I am left to ask myself “why does this work on my body and not other bodies?” 

I just don’t know. 

A beautiful 30 year old was taken from her earthly home. 

Amber you were as sweet as one comes. You made a difference in the lives you touched and I am sure so many others who you never met. You my dear will be missed by many, and I thank you for  all the love and help you spread while you were here.

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