I know it feels like I have been posting about my book, “Renee in Cancerland” a lot lately, but honestly I am listening to my heart on this one.  My heart’s voice has told me to do some crazy things before (which I followed and amazing things happened) and once again this is my hearts voice telling me DO THIS!

I am feeling called to share with you some notes I have received abut how “Renee In Cancerland” has helped those who have read it.

“I went to visit my mom in September, 4 weeks after her first chemo treatment and right around the time she started losing her hair. I came armed with gifts. In addition to some personal handmade items from Ethan… I brought her my copy of “Renee in Cancerland”. The moment I gave her the book she was excited. No one else in her life has been through exactly what she is going through. 

She started thumbing through pages of the book immediately. She got to a page that described how your week went… the schedule of events from Friday treatment through the Thursday before the next chemo treatment.  She said, “Oh my gosh, this is my schedule exactly. This is exactly how I feel.”  She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a pad of post-it notes and started jotting something down and then stuck it on that page. She went through the book for about 30 minutes… skimming pages and putting post it notes to flag certain spots. She said, I’m going to go back and read all of this later, but these parts are things I really relate to.”  Throughout the weekend she read a lot when she needed some quiet time.  By the time I left on Sunday she made it through a good chunk of the book and told me to relay to you… “Please tell Renee what an amazing writer she is. It’s more like having a conversation with a friend than reading a book.”  And that is so true. Your book is amazing and you are amazing!”

“I loved it Renee!! I love the honesty and the fact that you didn’t sugar coat anything…..going through the emotional highs and lows and reading your book induced feelings of ” if she can go through what she didthen I can to!!! ” I also bought a copy for my friend that went through bc and mastectomy two years ago….she loved it as well……good work ! Keep on keeping on!!!”

“This book opened my eyes to the struggle of cancer and life. Reading how a person can feel balancing their persona, their family and their battle with the unknown. I laughed and I cried, and I felt I was in the room with Renee every step of the way. I recommend this book to anyone who has battled and anyone who loves someone who has or had cancer.”

“The book came to me as I was watching a close friend face the cancer reality. It gave me a huge insight to what see would be facing . I would recommend the book to anyone & have shared it and your art with many at my salon. Thank you Renee Linke Sendelbach!”

I am really going out of my comfort zone here, but like I said I am following my heart here.

If you looking for gifts for yourself (which I always recommend), someone you know who has cancer, or just a general “HELL yeah, I can do this too (whatever your ‘this’ is” I am going to recommend you read this!

How do you get your hands on this book you are now wondering?!?!

A few ways: Amazon (both paperback and Kindle)


If you want 5 or more, email me directly at ReneeInCancerland@gmail.com.

Finally, if you live in Austin and would be interested in me coming to a group to give a talk and offer the books and artwork, again email me.

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