Present Day:
I have gone back and forth with myself on how to actually start
this book.
I mean let’s face it, this is my first rodeo here.
I have gotten advice on how I should approach writing this
book – but when I look at me, at who I really am – I knew from the beginning I wouldn’t
be taking any of that advice.
Will that come back to bite? I guess there is only one way to know – Do it!
I never intended to write a book – well I guess I never
intended to have Stave 4 Breast cancer either.
This book has been 6 years in the making. At 30 years old, I
thought I was going to be raising children, strengthening a marriage and doing
my part in the community. However, at 30, I found myself beginning the
battle of my life.
I was thrown the cancer
Living with stage 4 cancer, stage 4 breast cancer, living with stage 4 breast cancer, stage 4 cancer, breast cancer, living with metastatic cancer, mom with cancer, wife with cancer, Renee In Cancerland,