I have been looking back over my whole cancer journey for
the book I am trying to write.

I must admit, it is rocking my world again.

I can’t help but wonder if I should go on with it?

I know I need to get this out of me,  but that doesn’t make it any easier to relive it
all again.

But then I wonder, what in the hell am I even going to do
with this said book? 

Will it really help others?

If I was fresh off the diagnosis train, I sure as hell
wouldn’t want me to be the first person I ran into. I wouldn’t want to hear my
story only to think, man that sounds horrible. I hope that isn’t me.

But then I have to remember to look at this not from that
point of view, but from my heart’s point of view. The point of view that others
say they see me in.

I am once again scared.

Scared of what will really happen if I get this book out

What if nothing happens? 

Does that mean there really was/is no meaning
to all the shit I have gone through and continue to go through?

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