Everything went well today. I had the porta-cath “installed” and the core biopsy. I am still not 100% sure how this bad boy works because thinking of something being put into my vein and staying there really freaks me out. So, I chose not to think about it and just be happy I won’t have to get an IV every time I receive chemo.

They gave me a happy cocktail which made me remember nothing and wake up still feeling good. I told Eric while I was “sobering up”, I felt like a night that I would tell my friends I would be right back but instead go to bed and pass out! HA, we sure haven’t had one of those nights in well over two years. But mark my words, we will have one of those nights as soon as this mess is over.

My left shoulder is still incredibly sure from where they put the porta-cath. My Dr. told me to expect to be sore for about 3 – 5 days and I can’t lift anything heavy, so that means lifting my 28 pound love bug is out of picture for a few days. Luckily Eric is awesome and will pick him up from school and handle the nightly duties. This is the hardest part for me – not being able to take care of our son. But, I have to remember, I am taking care of him by taking care of myself.

1 Comment

  1. I am glad to hear it went well and that you are recovering well!

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