And no, this has nothing to do with the book out there…believe
me I only wish it was that simple.
I got my MRI results yesterday from the MRI on Wednesday.
The gist of it is: there has been change to the surgery bed,
BUT more than likely it is healing. My
neuro oncologist told Dr. H he wants to go to 4 week MRIs verses 6 weeks…just
to keep a closer eye on it all…which is fine with me.
I talked to Dr. H’s nurse when she gave me the report but
now I have more questions AND I lost the report
so I need to have her email it to me.
I go see the radiation dr on Tuesday, so I am guessing we
will have more info then. Yes, Eric is going with me so he will remember the
I can really see how Ian wants a black or white answer from
me when he asks me something – this living in the grey zone is hard. I am trying to get used to it and know there
is no black or white answer.
Please pray:
my whole body is cancer free – today, tomorrow & always
feeling returns to my right leg