Have I mentioned how ready I am to have my house put back
If not, this is my official announcement – this house is
driving me crazy.
I need to hire someone to just get this crap done, but I
want someone who will just do it without
asking me to make decision– I know, NOT an easy to do.
Pretty much I want to move into a house that is completely
I feel like I am on the verge of donating everything and
then see what we really need – not much is what I am seeing.
I had to get an MRI Tuesday because I am having horrible
headaches that are making me feel sick to my stomach.
I found out yesterday there is something there, but they
think it is just dead tissue.
All I know at this point is my brain dr is looking at it all
and I will get any appointment with him hopefully Monday to figure out next
Until then I started back on the roids yesterday – oh boy!
To try to make the swelling go down and make these d*mn headaches go away.
I will let you know what happens next.