Thoughts from my loved ones on Pink.

I was talking to Marci a few days ago about my mission – I
have decided to take on…PINK.

I was telling her how I am sick of it and how in the hell
does this crap serve any actual purpose??

She told me it does serve a purpose for her, it makes her
think of me when she drinks from her coffee mug – she stops and says a prayer
for me.

That really got me thinking.

I went through my email address book and picked random
friends.  These aren’t all great friends
– some I haven’t seen in a few years.  I
really wanted to get an overall look at thoughts and feelings.

You will first see my question to them, their responses
under. Their answers are not shorted. I have only ** a few curse words.

I will follow up later this week with me answers to these

you roll your eyes at all the pink stuff?


far as all the pink products go, I welcome their arrival every October.

not that I think that the 2 cents from my pink purchase are going to make a
huge difference to anyone or that it will even get to the right place to help
anyone. But buying a pink coffee cup or pink can opener gives me the
opportunity to honor you.

I see my pink item, I am reminded of you and I pray for you.

hurts my soul to the core that I can’t be in Austin to help you get to
appointments, run your errands, make you dinner, clean your house, hang out
with you on the sofa with a glass of wine or do anything to actually help you
fight this terrible cancer.

buying that pink item gives me a sense of empowerment… I will honor you every
time I take my coffee to go or open a can of tomatoes.


am not tired in any way of all of the pink stuff, but I think because it has
been around so long and it’s everywhere, it has lost its affect. I think the
ribbons have more of a branding than the color pink

remember last season when the NFL players wore pink accessories at their games,
I remember thinking “Wow, that’s really cool”. 

sometimes.  It depends on the product, charity tie in, and taste
level.  I’m personally out on Komen after last year’s Planned Parenthood
debacle and that they believe they OWN pink and sue any other organizations
that try to use it.  So if its Komen related I’m not into it.  Pink
pepper spray, pink fried chicken bucket, the yogurt lids you have to return to
have Yoplait donate $ – that annoys me.                                                                                                                      
When people I know do small fundraisers to raise money because they are
passionate about the charity (even Komen if its someone I know) – that I will
support.  I do think Komen did a lot to significantly raise awareness
about early detection over the past 15 years.  I would rather donate $
straight to an organization that supports those going through treatments, or
studies cancer research.  

No, not really.  I realize that
companies benefit from the “marketing” side of things, but I think that’s
all around us as well, so I don’t really see that any differently.  If I
were to buy something, it’s because I want the product for some reason other
than the campaign.  “supporting” BC or research or the affected
is just a bonus, but I don’t have any illusions that much money is going
towards a charity from my purchase.  I realize that my giving directly is
much more influential 

yes, it makes me
think of how many people are getting cancer from breathing in the chemicals
used to make all the cheap plastic pink things.   and all that money used
to create all of these things, that should obviously be going towards research
for a cure

I think it does
raise awareness about the disease and hopefully encourages others to have
mammograms. I also think things like Race for a Cure helps families feel
closure and a sense of helping. 


Does it make you think of me or others with Breast

yes.  I feel like I can’t be annoyed with it because of people I
know with breast cancer!  Occasionally I will think, I wonder if this
would be ‘Cancer Thriver’ approved or considered crass marketing? 

Yes, absolutely.  Whenever I see anything breast cancer
related, I always think of you, pray for you, and often get emotionally engaged
on a different level.


If I see something pink – for the breast cancer awareness, it does
make me think of you, and others.   but it doesn’t make me anymore
“aware” of bc, It makes me think of how f*cked up bc is, and how
unfair it is. how it doesn’t discriminate, and – honest answer – it makes me
think, and feel sad for the survivors who are celebrating that they are
survivors – because do they not know that one day they can wake up and it will
be back?  Are the aware of that, or what they can do, if anything?  


Yes it does. I don’t normally buy pink ribbon
things but I do occasionally see them and stop and pray for those I know who
have it, or lost someone to breast cancer.


If you have a coffee mug or something you use daily
that is pink, does it prompt you to say a little prayer for those with cancer?

Pink does not make me think of cancer but pink ribbon or awareness
items make me think about those with cancer and wonder how they are doing and
hope they are having a good day. 

I have a cookbook that I use regularly that is a pink ribbon
one, so not daily, but it does regularly make me think of you.  Other pink
things don’t have the same effect though – they are just pink.

 I don’t have anything that I use that is pink that makes me pray,
I don’t need anything pink to remind me.


What are you true thoughts on where the whole pink
campaign has taken us? Good or bad

Good that it has raised so much awareness.  NFL teams wear pink in
October, my company has a ton of events around Komen, I personally know way
more than I would about early detection because of all the awareness campaigns.
 I guess I’m a little burned out in general, and annoyed about the
companies trying to take advantage of women in their purchasing
decisions.  When I buy a new coffee mug, do I HAVE to buy the pink ribbon
one, if I don’t am I an a-hole? 

Honestly, mostly indifferent.  I don’t spend much time
or energy on it.  I think there probably has been a lot of successful
awareness raised and it’s done some good.  I understand the thinking
behind the frustration with it as well.  I think the Autism puzzle piece
campaign is very similar and I appreciate the awareness it’s raised for me even
without having a direct connection to Autism (unlike BC, since that affects you
and therefore me by extension).  As a parent of adopted kids and a child
with hearing loss, I also appreciate when others are more aware of what our
families “issues” are, because it takes the burden off of me to
educate them, so in many ways I wish there was better “campaigning”
for these things too, but I can see where I wouldn’t want my kids to feel like
the poster children for the campaign too, if that makes sense.


bad. the message needs to be revisited.  we need to be focused on
prevention and cures.  


really think it has raised awareness. I think it’s extreme that the NFL jumped
on board, but I think it helps guys understand more about the disease and helps
personalize it. After all when you don’t feel well or have crap going on-all
you want is a hug from mom. And when you were little you hugged her breasts.
It’s a comfort thing.


can’t imagine how tired you must be of the pink but it truly does give me hope.
When I see the football players wearing pink or the PF Chang’s horse painted
pink, I realize that I am not alone… so many people share the passion to
celebrate their loved ones who are fighting this terrible disease. And we stand
united in love and support.




Further opinions


went further than my own opinions.  I asked my classes today as
well.  People’s thoughts ran similar to mine.  There is a certain
amount of guilt in not buying the pink item.  We think that people will
judge us as uncaring. 

would say that it’s become so prevalent that I don’t really think of you or
anyone else when I see it. 

 Before hearing survivors take on it, I would
have said that even if I thought it was over the top, survivors would be in
support of everything pink.  Now that I have heard what you and other
survivors have to say about it, I am more about educating people to make sure
that they know many companies and individuals are profiting, not sending money
to research. 


equate this to the ASL ice bucket challenge.  It did bring in some money
and awareness, but it also brought a lot of kids being silly and
insensitive.  When the challenge came to my kids, we researched what ALS
is and watched videos of people dealing with it.  Then I told them that they
could do the silly challenge, but they also had to donate some money and tell
people in their video that it is a serious disease. 

There are other cancers and other medical issues that could use more
awareness – like heart disease and colon cancer.  I know Pink month won’t
stop, but would be nice if we heard about other risk areas that also effect a
lot of people. 

far as pink goes, I know that the high schools do a pink out game.  No one
would dare show up without a pink t-shirt because then they would be seen as
pro cancer.  The football players wear pink socks.  The dancers and
cheerleaders wear pink.  Who knows if any money goes to cancer
research!  I doubt the kids ever put the pink together with a real


think if someone came up with a new fresh idea, gimmick (think “ice bucket
challenge”), etc..for breast cancer then it would get more attention and
be at the forefront of more people’s minds.


are YOUR thoughts to my questions??

you feel strongly one way or another, I would love to hear from you.


me at:



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