I don’t know where or when I got the idea that everything I
do has to be something new and awe inspiring. I have been stuck with my art
lately thinking I need to do something new.
So, I will spend too much time online looking, thinking how I could
change this or that to make it my style. Then I end up doing nothing because I don’t
feel a real connection to actually making a different style.
That was until a friend of mine showed my “old work” to her
hair salon, and the owner wants to feature my work on the salon walls.
I laugh because when I do my “old style” I am so happy when
I am painting. I just sit and my hands start
working and before I know it, I look down and have all this stuff I LOVE.
Verses now when I sometimes think to myself that I can’t
paint my “old style” anymore because I need to push myself to grow.
Grow into what, I now question?
I make art that makes others and myself happy and that is really all I
have ever said I wanted to do…so if I am to look at this question logically, I
am already doing what I have said I wanted to do all along.
I need don’t to make some abstract art that shows my cancer
journey (although I do want to)…I can make bright happy art to uplift and
inspire others.
Instead of calling it my “old work,” I am just going to call it what it is…my work.