I haven’t shown y’all (or talked about) my art in a long time here, but the more art I do the more it is a part of my daily routine and my healing process.
I will be totally honest, I used to only create art with one outlook…sell it.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love selling it, but now I just sit down and create it for many reasons: my mind is completely clear and focused only on the task at hand so I get into a meditation like state easily, I can feel the happiness in my body, and I love to see what I can do…in terms of trying new things.
Here are some things I just finished and I am in love with them all!
I wanted to try a few things that I had gotten inspiration from and put my own twist on and for now this is my favorite. I am going to do a series of “Bloom”
I have a friend who stages homes for sale, so I made some for her to “lease” from me for her homes…which I am SO excited about!!
I hope everyone has a great day!