I have gone back and forth with this subject, but I wouldn’t be being true to myself if I didn’t talk/write about it.
After Stage 1 Breast Cancer, I called myself a survivor…F*CK yes… I beat cancer and was a survivor.
Then Metastatic came along.
Was I still a survivor?
I didn’t know.
I then took on the term “thriver” because I was going to thrive in my life no matter was.
There are always debates in #Cancerland about what we, us who have been diagnosed with Mets, want to be called.
Some say no, they don’t want to be a survivor because they haven’t survived this…this thing in their body.
But after living with this Stage 4 BS for 6.75 years (!!), I have come to my conclusion of I AM A SURVIVOR! And I believe that each and every person on earth is a survivor…we ALL survive some sh*t in our lives…I mean you are here reading this-right?!?!
So, I am here to tell you that YOU yes YOU are a survivor. It doesn’t matter what you have survived-you DID IT!
Be proud.
Roll around in that feeling and love every second of it.