After posting a little snippet about me using CBD oil, I have received a TON of questions.
Here is my experience with it.
I have tried 4 brands total and with Kannaway being the last one, I have found my forever brand.
Since using CBD oil, I no longer need to take
Ambien to go to sleep
Ativan to calm my nerves
Xanax for super hard days
Yep, I am no longer taking THREE Rxs because of CBD oil.
Now, here is what I have found out that works best for ME – you might need to experiment with your body.
I use:
Kannaway brand
Premium full spectrum oil –
this is a thick goo that comes in a tube and yes, it tastes nasty. However, chew up 1/2 a cracker to mush, put my dose in and hold it all under my tongue for 1-2 minutes. I feel more relaxed within 2-4 minutes.
From this, I fall right to sleep about 2 hours later when it is my bed time.
Vape Pen –
This is a liquid that you “smoke” but it isn’t smoke because it is vapor.
I use this during the day if something is making my cranky – it is like a glass of wine when you can’t!!
Salve –
This totally reminds me of vicks vapor rub (the smell and feel). I have been using this on my wrists because I am weaning off steroids from last brain swells from nacreous and getting off of them makes my joints hurt.
Energy Chews –
These make me feel like a cup of coffee for mid afternoon pick me up WITHOUT keeping me all night – I am very sensitive to caffeine.
What I have tried and do NOT like:
the Revive line because it has other herbs in it and I am super sensitive to any herbs. These made me have headaches, however, many others love.
What I am ordering next:
Super Greens
Pure Liquid Gold
I LOVE the stuff you can put under your tongue because it hits your system without having to go all through your system.
I decided to become a brand ambassador because I know if this has helped me THIS much so quickly, I can’t wait to see what else it is going to help me with. AND I want to tell y’all about it because – well, I love sharing helpful stuff.
If you want to take a look, go here:
You might get a little bit of sticker shock, BUT what they call a serving is more like 3-4 for me. SO, it lasts much longer than what the bottle says. AND, after me adding up the cost of what I am NOT needing, it is a saving for me.
If you have any questions, email me at