Bone Marrow Biopsy, Chest/Abdominal CT and Bone Scan results

I just realized I never actually wrote a blog post for this…I did a video but not a written post…so for some of you this might be old news!

I had my semi-annual CT and bone scans. All is still NED!! (No Evidence of Disease)

I still get many questions about how this is – clear scans but still classified as Metastatic Breast Cancer. Well, once someone is classified as having MBC – it never goes away BECAUSE it had spread outside the original tumor (in my breast) it can always grow again. I don’t sit and dwell on this possibility, BUT believe me it crosses my mind more often than I want it to.

My Bone Marrow biopsy came back great too!! Meaning, my new bone marrow (from transplant 2 years ago) is making itself all nice and cozy in its new happy home – me!

Another question I get asked a lot too is about this flair ups that take me out from time to time – will I always get these? 

I honestly don’t know. There is something called chronic GVH, but there is nothing to really do about it until the flair up happens. SO I am still learning to roll with it.

I have been NED in my body for 7 years, NED in my brain for almost 5 1/2 years, and pre-leukemia free for 2 years!

I share my CrAZy story like I do for several reasons: 

 – Show you that anything really is possible 

  • I need to remind myself of the awe in my story because let’s face it – my story doesn’t follow the “normal path” of a Metastatic Breast Cancer thriver 
  • It makes me feel good to know that my story inspires others.

Please let me if you have any questions about the road I have walked. Sharing tips and tricks of how I have changed along the way (both good and bad) is something I hold dear to my heart to know I can help others from the comfort of my own home!

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