Hi all – I haven’t been good at keeping this updated but I am back!
Nothing major has changed – still NED in my brain – last MRI was this week, last bone scan and chest & abdominal scans were 6 months ago with next one in about a month.
I do still deal with GVH (graft vs host) from bone marrow transplant on 10/30/2016, random days of fatigue, and ongoing neuropathy and drop foot in my right foot.
I have been keeping busy with Renee Reads Energy doing tarot, dowsing rods, candle work and teaching others how to do for themselves.
I hope you all are doing good as well and as always if you have questions about my cancer story or anything else, please feel free to ask.
You can also find me on Instagram and Facebook at Renee Sendelbach or Renee Reads Energy.