Hi all – I haven’t been good at keeping this updated but I am back! Nothing major has changed – still NED in my brain – last MRI was this week, last bone scan and …
Book of 2 Ways
I love this quote because I believe it is so true. I have used this quote in several tarot counseling sessions because it fits so well in many situations. Most of us hold on to the …
Cancer Talk – what we do and don’t want to hear
I have been in CancerLand for over 14 years now, so lets just say I have heard pretty much everything there is to hear from others when it comes to cancer….EVERYTHING…the good, the bad, the …
When When will you say enough Enough heartbreak Enough loss Enough lies Enough selfishness Enough trading money for lives Enough accepting preventable tragedies as the new normal When When will you see the blood is …
11 years w Metastatic Breast Cancer
11 years metastatic It has been a little over 11 years since I was told the stage 1 breast cancer had metastasized to stage 4 breast cancer (MBC) a mere year and a half after …
Over it
Another GVH flair Well…I don’t think it is classified as “another flair” being as it hasn’t fully gone away since it started in April…so I guess I should call it what it is…chronic GVH ? …
Healing Trifecta
Trifecta I noticed the other day that every time I checked in with my emotions (something I have been doing since starting therapy)…checked in with my thoughts…checked in with my physical body…I noticed that more …
43 I used to think 43 was so old, but I now understand that age is truly just a number…and numbers don’t define me! Every birthday I like to reflect on the past year …
Where I have been
Where I have been Many people have reached out to me to see if I am ok being as I haven’t posted much lately… I am ok now but wasn’t there for awhile. Let me …
10 years Metastatic
10 years metastatic Today marks 10 years since I was told the stage 1 breast cancer had metastasized to stage 4 breast cancer (MBC)* a mere year and a half after finishing treatment for stage …