I haven’t shown y’all (or talked about) my art in a long time here, but the more art I do the more it is a part of my daily routine and my healing process. I …
New art work
New Vlog Post: Go easy on yourself
Vlog update from past 2 weeks
Daily changes
So I don’t want to leave you hanging from last post. The biopsy from my boob came back ALL GOOD! But the MRI showed something changing in my brain. I am not surprised by this …
Stage 4 breast cancer explanation
I feel like I need to explain what Stage 4 breast cancer is with many of the questions I get. PLEASE know this is my take on all the scientific terms and I may not …
Here I am again
Well…this is been one hell of a week and I am exhausted from it. I had a Bone Scan, CT and MRI on Monday, and a mammogram and bone density on Tuesday. Even just getting to …
Goodbye sweet Kelli
We have all been told when you practice something, the easier it gets. I know that is true with 99% of things in life, but not in Cancerland. I had one more F*CKING FUNERAL for …