I just received an email from my mother-in-law that hit me right in heart: A note of appreciation of family!! Thank you one and all for keeping our lives interesting, (in a very good way), …
The Fight
The air is thick with excitement from the on-lookers ready to see someone go down. They are ready to see someone get punched with an iron fist and get laid out flat. Not a real …
Then what
I went to see the movie Boyhood this weekend with a dear friend I don’t get to see often because – wait for it – life gets in the ways. This movie touched me way …
Two headed monster
I don’t know if I have come out and said it before, but I struggle with depression and anxiety. Once we got home from out trip, the two headed monster came for me. Some days …
I am DONE!!!
I just finished it. I finished writing my book. Now don’t get me wrong, this is a very rough draft but it is my cancer story from 2008-Present. Right now it is over 500 computer …
Going back – chemo chronicle 3.3
Chemo Chronicle 3.3 It was a hard day. I admit it, I don’t do well with change….AT ALL! I like to know what is going to happen, where I am going, what it looks like, …
Looking Back
I have been looking back over my whole cancer journey for the book I am trying to write. I must admit, it is rocking my world again. I can’t help but wonder if I should …
30 hours later
I have been asleep for the past 30 hours. I think all the stress of the scan, the appointments, the every think really took its toll on me. So much more than I would like …
Once bitten, twice shy
That is how I feel now in regards to scans and what now. I had an head MRI on Friday, Dr. H and two chemos yesterday, and Dr. Groves to look at my MRI from …
At one point in my life, I would never write this. I used to be embarrassed that I needed therapy of any kind. I used to think I should be able to handle all this …