I heard from my oncologist today and I think she was more excited than I was to hear that my DRC test came back negative. Now, what does that mean you are wondering? Well, it …
Everything went well today. I had the porta-cath “installed” and the core biopsy. I am still not 100% sure how this bad boy works because thinking of something being put into my vein and staying …
Smile…yes please….thank you
Might be the hardest string of words I am going to have to learn to say when it comes to excepting help from others. I am great at smiling, saying yes please and thank you, …
One Step closer
I will be tomorrow. I go in for the core biopsy and pick-line insertion at 8:30 but surgery begins at 10:30. I am not real sure what all to expect. I wasn’t thinking it was …
Today is the first day since I heard the news that I have worn mascara. No, not because all my eyelashes fell out and then grew back – do you think I will lose my …
The odds
I would like to think we don’t live our lives by odds, but I guess to some extent – we do. What are the odds it will rain today? What are the odds I will …
Great news!
I just heard from my breast specialist about the PEM scan yesterday – ONE LUMP ONLY and 1.7 cm, which means Stage 1!!!!! Hey, if this really has to be, then this is great news …
A fish out of water
Is how I feel. Well, I think that is how I feel. I am not real sure how a fish out of water really feels. But the feeling is difficulty breathing and only focusing on …
Just Breathe
Is pretty much the only thing I could tell myself while I was sitting waiting to be called back to the oncologist. Eric took Bug to school just like any other normal day and was …
5 things I have learned in 6 short days:
1. My family and friends are absolutely the best. I have a whole swarm of people behind and ready to start down this road with me. Really, that is one of the best feelings in …