I would like to take this chance to say thank you to all the care givers out there. So many people tell me and others going through a disease what an inspiration we are to them, …
The Knock…
knowing the sound of the Knock that Precious knock knowing all I needed to do was open the door the door that seemed to have been bolted shut for way too long The door… I …
Bite me…
My steroids are like the “bite me” cookies in my Cancerland. They are there, telling me to take them…eat them – I need them but the effects they have on me are maddening…they make me …
I can’t imagine what they are going through – her family…their thoughts, their love for her, their prayers – their everything. She was getting better…and now I don’t know. I almost hate when it is …
Can I get off this merry go-round now??
I feel like I am on a merry go-round…all the time – up and down, round and round, up and down, round and round…forever going on…I just want off for a little bit…but then I wonder …
About you?.
I realized the other that I haven’t asked about about you. And yes, I am honestly intrigued about you. So if you would, please share with me a story from your life: A hard time a …
Radiation…it is catching up with me
I am tired. I am not able to sleep a whole night. I have a small lingering headache most of the time…blah. BUT, after seeing the radiation doctor on Tuesday, I feel great about where …
Out of the blue
You know when you something happens out of left field it takes a second – or a day for it to catch up to you…for the bigness of it to hit you? I have been praying …
What is breast cancer to me – part 3
I have noticed a trend when someone is newly diagnosed – especially with breast cancer – especially us younger women… As soon as we tell people we have been diagnosed with the big C word, …
Bag Lady
I am a bag lady I have collected bags all my life… as long as I can remember Some big some small some stylish some plain These bags – I collect even… hoard some might …