I would like to think we don’t live our lives by odds, but I guess to some extent – we do. What are the odds it will rain today? What are the odds I will …
Great news!
I just heard from my breast specialist about the PEM scan yesterday – ONE LUMP ONLY and 1.7 cm, which means Stage 1!!!!! Hey, if this really has to be, then this is great news …
A fish out of water
Is how I feel. Well, I think that is how I feel. I am not real sure how a fish out of water really feels. But the feeling is difficulty breathing and only focusing on …
Just Breathe
Is pretty much the only thing I could tell myself while I was sitting waiting to be called back to the oncologist. Eric took Bug to school just like any other normal day and was …
5 things I have learned in 6 short days:
1. My family and friends are absolutely the best. I have a whole swarm of people behind and ready to start down this road with me. Really, that is one of the best feelings in …
Wow is really all I say about the wonderful emails and phone calls I have received from everyone. This is really an eye opening experience, I mean, I KNOW I am awesome but to now …
The cuteness of it all
So, I decided if we are all going to have to read this crap, we at least need to look at something cute! Eric helped me figure out how to make this so cute. I …
Changed forever
I received the call a little after 2:00 p.m. on September 10, 2008. “Renee, hi this is Dr. Nelson. I have your results from the biopsy. I am so sorry to tell you that it …