There is never an easy way to explain to your child that someone they know passed away. That they will never see that person in physical form again here on earth. In our small family …
Use me
People email or FB me questions all the time about their loved ones who have been diagnosed with BC of even some other cancer. It is a love/hate relationship I have within myself about being …
How to help others…this is not a BC post!!
“Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain It is true…I am a sap and I 100% believe this quote. Now, I am not saying I am a really …
Just life
I say just life, but it is really so much more that “just life” “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, …
Renee In Cancerland book snippet
Present Day: I have gone back and forth with myself on how to actually start this book. I mean let’s face it, this is my first rodeo here. I have gotten advice on how I …
2 years
We haven’t been able to go to church for the past 2 years due to my health in one way or another. At first I just felt like shit all the time. Then I had …
Renee In Cancerland Book snippet
The Knock… knowing the sound of the Knock that Precious knock knowing all I needed to do was open the door the door that seemed to have been bolted shut for way too long The …
Feathers from Angels
Feathers from Angels I have been trying to take notice of the little things around me – the little things that have always been there but sometimes I was too preoccupied with myself to notice. …