1. Renee,

    I'm sorry you have to go through this but I'm glad you contacted WW. I've seen you with Ian and know what an amazing mom you are to him. You will continue to be a wonderful mom and please know that me, the PRC and the BCRC are here for you.

    Sending you much love,

  2. Knowing your strength for words, I know that when the time is right for you to tell Ian, you will automatically know the right words to say. He is your son, and you know him better than anyone. He will feel your love as you tell him. That feeling is more important than the words.

    We are holding you and your family in our prayers.

  3. Renee

    I am keeping you all in my prayers. Maybe you want to wait for a weekend for the talk and do it one morning while you three are lounging in bed together. And wile you might tell him the big picture, "Mommy has Cancer and will be going to the doctor alot and not feeling well", share the details on a "Need to know basis." If you tell him all the details he might be really overwhelmed.
    When the kids were little, they got upset when my sister came to visit with a wrist brace on. So when we went to visit grandma after her shoulder surgery, I made them some slings from bandanas earlier that week and we walked around with slings on so they would be comfortable. If you end up having to wear a mask after chemo for immunity reasons, maybe you have a mask making party and the three of you each make a mask and be super heros or something.

    You are one tough chick and I believe in you and your ability to handle everything!

  4. I just want to remind you of how resilient kids are, Renee. Paul has been through so much in his short little life, and has handled it way better than any adult could. Ian will do the same. He is made of the same tough stuff his momma and daddy are, and he has you both there to walk him through it all. He will be okay. Nothing is good or easy about any of this, but you are doing the best you can, and it's enough. In the midst of all the stress and worry, let your heart rest knowing that your son will be okay.
    Sending love and hugs to you each day.

  5. Love, Love, Love your way! I am praying for you and your sweet family! May God give the perfect words and timing. We love you Renee!!

  6. I'm thinking of your trio today and every day. My heart broke for you reading this. I can only imagine how difficult having that discussion is going to be. You will make it through. Love to you three.

  7. Oh Renee, my heart hurts with you. Know that Brad and I are praying praying praying for you. I will specifically pray for the talk you have to have with your sweet little Ian. I can't imagine.
    Love and prayers!

  8. I am so, so sorry. Words can't explain how much I am feeling for you right now. All I can say is try to take one day at a time, one moment at a time to stay strong through this. And when you need to, lean on your friends and family for that strength – we are all here just for that purpose :).

  9. Renee I am praying for you and your family! Stay strong girl you can fight this and win.

  10. My heart hurts too. I am so so so sorry you have to go through any of this.. I am proud to be your friend, I have never known anyone as strong as you.

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