On the way
I am writing this from the car. We are on the way to Dallas for my bone marrow transplant. I don’t even know what I am feeling at this moment…sadness for Eric and Ian, scared …

My heart might explode
Today was such an unexpected roller coaster, and I have a feeling the rest of the week is going to be the same. I had a Dr. H appointment, so I went early so I …

My life
Oh my, yesterday was one of the sweetest days I’ve had in so long. I had energy, love and my dudes with me all day. First stop of city Pokémoning was the capital. I …
Not again
I really don’t know why I thought this would ever get easier? I don’t know why I thought I could somehow make myself numb to the pain that I can’t take away from others. I …
CancerGirl and Insprational prints in ETSY shop!
I can’t believe I am actually knocking stuff off my to-do list! A few things I want y’all to know first: My ETSY shop is back up, but isn’t completely stocked (that is coming!) but …
I know I went through a nesting stage when I was big and pregnant with Ian. About 8 months into pregnancy it hit me like I had just run into a brick wall…HOLY SH*T life …
Dear you…my bone marrow donor
I am told that I won’t get to meet you until a year after the bone marrow transplant. I am not sure why, but I am sure whoever you are you are walking around with …
Stage 4 cancer friends
I have said it before and I will say it time and time again, being friends with a bunch of other cancer girls has been/is one of the most beautiful yet hardiest relationships I have …
Answered Prayers
Of course I have been praying that there would be an end to the cancer that has liked my body too much for too long but for so long nobody knew how to give me …