Lovely…. Thank you for your continued love and support.
Video…What could be coming my way?

Pure Joy
We just returned home from our first family vacation in many years…years we so wanted a vacation from all the cancer bullshit that surrounds us on a daily basis…vacations that had been planned and paid …
Happy Birthday blues
Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to…oh whatever…I am over it. Last Friday I turned 38. Oh, what did she get for her birthday you might ask? I got a bag …
Massive pain
I am not really sure how it happened yesterday, but somewhere in between picking up Ian at school and getting home, I tweaked my neck so bad that I couldn’t turn it from side to …
6 weeks off and more
I haven’t had six weeks off of chemo since 2011…when I was originally diagnosed as Stage 4…since then I have been on some kind of chemotherapy. At my oncologist appointment almost six weeks ago I …
Healthline’s Best of 2015
Well this is news to me, but while trying to get all 6 (YES six) email accounts cleaned up I found this beauty: “I am happy to inform you that your blog has made Healthline’s …
Aches and pains
I get that aches and pains happen, especially when we get older, but man alive, you would think I just ran a marathon with how tired and achy I am. We went to The Celebration …
5 years living with Stage 4 Breast Cancer
5 years living with Stage 4 Breast Cancer First in my lungs and bones, everyone except me knew what the statistics were on the likelihood of me surviving another 2 years…not very good. I blew through my first …

The picture
I am pretty sure you have all seen this picture: That turns up at the most random places. But I am beginning to wonder if that isn’t a coincident? For those of you who are …