I keep asking myself if it will ever be easier for me to except what stage four cancer can and does do to a body…a young and otherwise healthy body. I think at some point …
Stage 4 breast cancer: takes 30 year old beautiful woman

Renee Reads Energy
I keep asking myself if it will ever be easier for me to except what stage four cancer can and does do to a body…a young and otherwise healthy body. I think at some point …
First off, if you are wondering why my post titles are the same for each reading, I have been listening to tips on how to show up on Goggle searches…we will try! Today I am …
First off, let me say this post might be a tearjerker…and I don’t mean it to be, BUT this is my life…our life here in Cancerland living as a #Lifer and the lives of our …
Welcome! I hope y’all are enjoying me reading my book about living with Stage 4 Breast Cancer called “Renee In Cancerland” as much as I am enjoying reading it to you. I hope you can …
My hand shook when I was searching for the publish button on Monday. It is scary to put your writing out into the world, but for me it is scarier to put my actual …
I am not even going to rehash the last three Halloween’s because I’m sure you all know I was dealing with brain surgery stuff and the aftereffects. Since our kids were 3, there has been …
I know it feels like I have been posting about my book, “Renee in Cancerland” a lot lately, but honestly I am listening to my heart on this one. My heart’s voice has told me …
I am not sure how many people know this about me but I got a small tattoo when I was 16 years. To be honest I am not sure how the tattoo process exactly happened? …
Before the party, Eric told me he wanted me to already think of the party as a success because it is happening. You see, we had tried other times to do this but my body …
I sit here on this stupid day in this stupid month, wearing some PJ pants that say “On tough cookie” that were gifted to me my first time around with breast cancer, reading how there …