These last two weeks have been glorious. I have been so full of energy and have had no pain that I quickly slipped into remembering what “normal” life was like before I had constant headaches. …

Wigging Out
I never went the wig route my two times through chemo or radiation…for some reason I thought I was being strong and showing the world I was proud of my baldness. I was fighting cancer …

Three Years ago
Walking through the sand with the salt water drying on my skin – I felt a shift in me that I had been praying for for as long as I can remember. Sometimes the prayer …

New painting
I painted this as a going away gift Dr. H’s nurse who has been these with me through a lot of crap. It was still in process here This is the final piece. I REALLY …
Calling it a win
After looking back, I can never figure out what comes first – the constant pain or the depression, or do they come as a team? I always notice the pain first, so I will say …
Learning as I go
My head starts to hurt just a tad bit more than usual. I start to question myself about just how long has it been hurting this bad. You see – I have many different types …
Back to grey
So so sorry for no post in such a long time… I really am trying to get better about posting even when nothing exciting is going on, but my life doesn’t really work like that …

Green with envy
I don’t know why that title popped in my head for the name of this new 20×16 mixed media piece I just finished. This started as something SO different than how it ended up… After …

Oops I did it again
It really isn’t just an oops… it is a why in the hell do I keep doing this to myself? I have been going full blast these last few days getting art done, which is …
I will be honest, I have never lived by myself, but I do enjoy alone time. Sometimes I wonder if I would enjoy having more time to myself and doing only what I want to …