I hate to say this but as time passes by, I do forget large and small events of my life until something jolts my memory back to remembering…so, I guess “forget” isn’t the correct word. …

My work
I don’t know where or when I got the idea that everything I do has to be something new and awe inspiring. I have been stuck with my art lately thinking I need to do …
Getting back at it!
Getting back at it! Man alive, I know I totally dropped off of here like a hot…well, I don’t know what, but something. First things first, thank you all for the sweet get well wishes. …
<insert eye rolling>
Mother’s Day My 37th birthday Renee In Cancerland book signing party Yes, on the calendar it looks like I had a magical past 2 weeks. In real life though…not at all. I have pneumonia and …
Book Launch Postponed
Hi everyone- it’s Eric, writing for Renee. She wanted me to write a quick note on the blog to make sure everyone knew that tomorrow’s book launch will be postponed to a later date. She …
Becoming real…and scary
I was going through reading some entries from my book, “Renee in Cancerland” trying to decide what few entries I should read at my upcoming book party. But man alive, reading this book is like …

The real me
I know we all like to look like we have all of our shit together for the outside world to see. I want to change that. I want to show you me… that being perfectly …
My reality
I am tired. I am tired of being tired. I am tired of not knowing what the next day will bring. This week has pretty much sucked in a way that I haven’t experienced in …
Survivors Guilt
If Dr. H read this, I would get a lecture at my next appointment. Here is the real deal…I sometimes have survivors guilt. No one has ever said to me…”well that isn’t fair that you …

10 years later
I seriously cannot believe I am saying happy 10 year anniversary to my wonderful husband. 10 years… So much as happened in 10 years. I went back and look through pictures of our wedding (which …