Dear you, I overheard a conversation the other day that made me cry. “I can’t believe you did that again” “When are you going to learn what you can and can’t do?” “Are we seriously …
Video: Learning to OWN my story
Own it
One good thing about me not being able to drive far is that people have to take me places! Honestly, I don’t mind because the car rides give us time to talk. The other night …
Good bye Genae
I still remember the day we met. She was outspoken on the same topics I was too, but I wasn’t sure of my place in this new group to speak my mind yet. But after she spoke, I …
My heart’s growth
All this happening with my friend as of late, is really taking me to several different places in my heart. Places that are blah but in my mind, necessary for growth. I have found in …
I never wanted
This is a follow up to yesterday. My heart told me to go yesterday morning, so I was walking out the door at 7:30. It was much colder than I thought it was going to …
I love you
I will admit, not remembering my WHOLE journey I have been on thus far…I remember when I read what I wrote about it, but there are still out big chunks of the the details I …
And done
I am exhausted. I went through my book and changed all the adverbs (I THINK that is what they are called? did/does/is/was) This had been on my heart for awhile that I might need to …

Renee In Cancerland – the book
Renee In Cancerland – the book Guess what I am doing today? I am sure you said something with your book! I am getting the updated ebook (or whatever it is called?) version today with …

New art
The past month and a half. I haven’t had the urge to paint much. I go through cycles like that, and I am not sure why. I mean, I love to paint, so I do …