Dear Grandma and Grandpa- I miss you so much and I will never forget the love you showered us with. I am happy yall are together again and can be healthy and whole in Heaven …

Have Faith & Fly
Not sure where to start with this because the line that keeps popping into my mind is, “I have a dream” and well, I do have a dream to create something with true meaning behind …
Leopards & Lilies Creative
I can finally say Leopards & Lilies Creative is up and running. Now, it isn’t the well oiled machine I have dreamt about but you know what? It is great for now and will keep …
Super woman…
I am not and I am having a really hard time admitting to myself. I woke up in a panic last night over Shop, Sip & Share and am not sure it is going to …
The voice
The one that tells me to question if I am healthy, if the cancer is really gone, if I really did get the easy road out of c-ville is back and is nagging me…I am …
Fairy-tale land….
Funny thing happened Sunday at church, that last little bit of my heart that was closed up tight got watered with my tears and received rays of sunshine from our guest speaker Mindy Audlin. The …
Bad Mommy
I was today but really, it couldn’t be helped and then I decided why should be that big of deal? We went to the bounce house with some of Ian’s friends and damn it, not …
Our life right now…
My big boy: Seriously, I realize I am a total sap but come on – how can my baby boy be such a big boy now? He changes and grows a little more everyday and …
POTTY DANCE & more!!
Something wonderful happened today – Ian TOLD me FOUR times that he needed to potty and…wait for it…IT HAPPENED!!! He had only ONE accident this morning which I totally understand being as he was completely …
Potty H*LL
WHY can’t kids come with a switch that tells them how to potty? This potty training is for the birds – and well, I guess for me which is looking like a long road ahead. …