I have said I feel like it is one of my duties to educate others of Stage 4 Metastatic breast cancer. SO, you are getting more education today?!?!? Before I do though, a little back …
breast cancer moved to brain
I did NOT know…
I realize I have been rather harsh with some of my statements and while I DO believe all of what I have said, I think I need to clarify a few things. 1. If you …
Renee giving speech at Dell
I was invited to be a speaker at Dell yesterday for kick off their Awareness month. I was able to tell my story (the short version) and beg for people to make sure who the …
What is Breast Cancer to me?
It is a lot more than the pretty pink ribbons people like to doll it up with…well, some people – I assume – yes, I am grouping people together here. Cancer…any cancer isn’t pretty no …
Serenity Prayer
The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying …
Renee In CancerLand book snippet
Friday, February 13, 2009 One month later – Since my very last chemo ever! I continue to feel a little better every day but then I do too much and crash again. I had …
Renee In Cancerland book snippet
Present Day: I have gone back and forth with myself on how to actually start this book. I mean let’s face it, this is my first rodeo here. I have gotten advice on how I …
PET scan and MRI results
So sorry I forgot to post the results here. I am still NED (no evidence of disease) in my body!!!! There was a slight change in my brain MRI BUT Dr. H thinks it is …
Reliving the past…
We were walking into Party City tonight to look for birthday décor for Ian. Out of nowhere, Ian told me about the last time we went there. The first time mommy hurt her head, he said. …