40th Birthday I made it! All the way to 40! According to stats, should have been gone around 4 years ago…you know, with the whole metastatic breast cancer and stuff. BUT – here I am! …
Renee Linke
Post Bone Marrow Transplant
I can honestly say I never read all the warnings of what could happen with medicines, especially chemo…I figure why set up a list of maybes in my head? Because those maybes creep up in my …
Renee In Cancerland – my book is OUT!!!
This is NOT April fools. I don’t even know what to say I am so excited…you will rarely hear me speechless! Here is the Amazon link for both paper back and Kindle , BUT any …
Renee In Cancerland – book snippet
Sad with regret Today while I was sitting at the oncologist waiting to be called back for my blood work I glanced over and observed a young women breast feeding her daughter in the waiting …